
Archive for the ‘Children’s’ Category

Cheryl C. Malandrinos is a freelance writer and editor. She is the author of Little Shepherd, A Christmas Kindness, Macaroni and Cheese for Thanksgiving and the recently released, A blogger and book reviewer, she lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two daughters. She also has a son who is married.



Would you call yourself a born writer?

I’m not sure I would say I am a born writer as much as I have always felt called to write. It’s important to me to make sure of my God-given talents. Writing is something I’ve always enjoyed.

What was your inspiration for Amos Faces His Bully?

Like my first book, Little Shepherd, this story places fictional characters in a Biblical setting. My first inspiration was to continue with the format of my first book—make it a series of unrelated, yet similar, stories. There are others planned.

My primary reason for writing Amos Faces His Bully, however, is very personal. I was bullied as a child; teased from the day I entered elementary until the day I graduated high school. Yet, with all the awareness of bullying and the anti-bullying programs that exist in our cities and towns today, bullying still exists. As I’ve worked hard to prevent my own child from being bullied, I wanted her to know God could provide her—and other victims of bullying—with peace and strength.

What themes do you like to explore in your writing?

Faith often plays a role in my books. Whether it be a young shepherd boy who must trust that God will keep his sheep safe while he visits the newborn King, or a bullied child seeking courage to deal with his tormenters, reaching out in faith has many rewards. A Christmas Kindness, while not faith-based, has themes in it that some might consider Christian values. Macaroni and Cheese for Thanksgiving and A Christmas Kindness show young people as problem solvers.

How long did it take you to complete this picture book?

The first draft of Amos Faces His Bully took a few days…but that’s the easy part. It’s the editing process that takes a while. You’re not only looking for typographical or grammar errors. You’re looking to trim away the unnecessary words. You’re clarifying your meaning. You’re seeking out repetitive words or phrases. Even after a book is published, it’s not uncommon to wish you had done something differently.

Are you disciplined? Describe a typical writing day.

Um…no. Total panster who waits until there is a fair amount of time to sit down uninterrupted to write. Usually that means once a month at writing group, but I’ll take what I can get.

What did you find most challenging about writing this book?

Writing a book about a youngster being bullied when you were bullied and friendless for most of your childhood tends to bring up bad memories. Thankfully, as many of us discover, the years after high school bring with them a level of maturity the bullies—and you—didn’t have in school.

What do you love most about being an author?

It’s amazing to be able to go to Amazon, Barnesandnoble.com or other online retailers and find my books there. Have to admit that is a special feeling.

Did you go with a traditional publisher, small press, or did you self-publish? What was the process like and are you happy with your decision?

All my books are published by independent publishers. After the manuscripts were accepted, the process—while not exactly short—was fairly painless. I’ve been blessed to work with wonderful people at both publishing houses. That’s why I keep going back with each new book.

Where can we find you on the web?

My friends say I am all over the Internet. Having worked in online book promotion and using social media for my current job means they probably aren’t too far off. I am out there a lot. The best places to find me are:

Website: http://ccmalandrinos.com

Blog: https://childrensandteensbookconnection.wordpress.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cheryl-C-Malandrinos-170542359697682

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ccmalandrinos

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ccmalandrinos

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4341623.Cheryl_C_Malandrinos


About the Book:

Author: Cheryl C. Malandrinos
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing
Pages: 20
Genre: Christian children’s picture book



Amos is targeted by the town bully because he is so small. When word reaches Amos of his friend David’s battle with Goliath, he thinks back to what David told him about putting his faith in God’s protection. Perhaps the same God can help Amos face his bully too.


Guardian Angel | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |Indiebound.org


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Who says kids can’t be superheroes? Don’t believe it’s true? Follow these kids on their first mission, they make a believer out of you too.

Inspired by real life children achieving extraordinary feats using everyday items, their brainpower, and teamwork.






Jaimie Hope was born November 3, 1976, in New York. It wasn’t until high school, whereJaimie Hope BioJaimieHopeauthorpic she joined the newspaper staff that she decided she wanted to be a writer. After graduation, the author went to college and received an Associate’s degree in 1999.

In 2002, she moved to Florida where she was an active volunteer in the local historical society and the Deltona Regional Library, this was the turning point for the author. In 2005, she started writing and hasn’t stopped.

In 2006, she moved back to New York where she released her first Children’s book, The Adventures of Baby Jaimie.  As they say, the rest is history. Jaimie Hope now has books in multiple genres. They include Children’s picture books, Young Adult Romance, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, and Non-fiction.

In 2014, she opened Back To Basics Publishing & Author Services.

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Dawn Brotherton is an Air Force colonel, a wife, a mother of two, a Girl Scout leader, and the author of five books. Trish’s Team is her first youth fiction story. Dawn started out writing a mystery that was based on true events that happened during her days as a young lieutenant in the Air Force, The Obsession. She embellished the story, adding murders to beef up the plot. After that, her writers encouraged her to write a sequel in the Jackie Austin Mysteries, Wind the Clock. She is currently working on the third and final for Jackie. Dawn is excited to turn to youth fiction with the Lady Tigers’ Series. With two teenage daughters at home, she relates well with the characters that come to life through the active dialogue. She is also looking forward to military retirement later this year so she can dedicate more time to writing.

Q: Congratulations on the release of your latest book, Trish’s Team. To begin with, can you gives us a brief summary of what the story is about and what compelled you to write it?

A:  Trish’s Team is the first in a ten-part series that demonstrates that being part of a team is more than what happens on the softball field. These 11-12 year olds have life lessons to learn, and they will go through them together. In this book, Trish really wants to play travel fastpitch softball. Although her parents aren’t against the idea of softball, they feel her priority should be on orchestra. When the timing of practices conflict, Trish lies to her parents about where she is spending her time. When her parents find out, there are consequences to pay.

I love softball and reading—my two favorite things growing up. I started playing when I was nine and now my daughters play. It was an important part of my life, and I hope this series gets other girls interested in playing too. At the very least, I think the stories are fun to read.

Q: What do you think makes a good youth fiction story? Could you narrow it down to the three most important elements? Is it even possible to narrow it down?

A: Enough action to capture their attention; lessons appropriate for their age level; something their parents would want them to read.

TrishCover800-1120Q: How did you go about plotting your story? Or did you discover it as you worked on the book?

A: I know the themes I want for each of the ten books I’m planning for this series. They grow as I write though. The conversations sometimes take me in directions I wasn’t expecting. Sounds strange since I’m doing the writing, but when you get into a character, you answer in a way that sounds natural. Then who knows where it will lead!

Q: Tell us something interesting about your protagonist and how you developed him or her. Did you do any character interviews or sketches prior to the actual writing?

A:  Trish is a character that kids can relate to. She has her good moments and her faults. I think it’s important to show that kids can make mistakes and recover from them.

I didn’t do character sketches when I started writing the Lady Tigers’ Series, but then I quickly learned the error of my ways. Now I have a cheat sheet that outlines every character I’ve ever mention and what I’ve written about them. This is especially important in a series about a team. There are many characters that will repeat in different books and you have to make sure not to describe them differently. It’s amazing the details kids pick up on. If they have a favorite character and you change their hair color, the reader will notice!

Q: In the same light, how did you create your antagonist or villain? What steps did you take to make him or her realistic?

A: There’s no true villain in Trish’s Team. Her parents aren’t as loving and attentive as they could be, but I wouldn’t call them antagonist. Trish is really battling with herself and a decision she has to make. At this age, I think kids’ struggles are often internal as they grow to become better people, stretching their boundaries along the way.

Q: How did you keep your narrative exciting throughout the novel? Could you offer some practical, specific tips?

A: For this age level, too much detail is not helpful. Kids want action and to feel involve. I prefer to keep things moving with dialogue.

Q: Setting is also quite important and in many cases it becomes like a character itself. What tools of the trade did you use in your writing to bring the setting to life?

A: Most the action takes place at the softball field. With my girls playing softball year ‘round, I see the fields in my sleep! For me, the hard part was not taking things for granted. I try to describe a field to a person that doesn’t know anything about softball or baseball. It’s a challenge to take a step back and try to see it through someone else’ eyes.

Q: Did you know the theme(s) of your novel from the start or is this something you discovered after completing the first draft? Is this theme(s) recurrent in your other work?

A: I definitely knew the theme. I have them set for the other nine as well, although I’m not sure what order I’ll write them in. The series is always about the Lady Tigers which is a fastpitch softball organization. That means my players can range from 8 to 18. I have a lot of leeway to work with. The first few books will have players from Trish’s Team (ages 10-12) taking turns as the main character. They all have different lessons to learn, but they will all benefit from those lessons.

Q: Where does craft end and art begin? Do you think editing can destroy the initial creative thrust of an author?

A: Not if you have the right editor. I’ve been struggling with this problem through many of my books. I picked one that knew how to edit but didn’t know how to play softball. I thought that was a good thing because if I could make her understand, it should work for anyone. Not exactly. She tried to correct softball rules or lingo that only annoyed me. It did make me go back and look at those sections again though to make sure they were clear. As my final test, I had a classroom of middle schoolers proof read it for me and give me feedback. That was helpful and I will keep up that initiative.

Q: What three things, in your opinion, make a successful novelist?

A: Success is really a very subjective thing. It’s different for every person. For some it’s money, but when it comes to writing, I would venture a guess that for most it’s not. Three things to become successful, no matter your definition, are hard work (who isn’t going to say that!); a thick skin (not everything you write will please everyone); and the willingness to fail, dust yourself off, and try again.

Q: A famous writer once wrote that being an author is like having to do homework for the rest of your life. What do you think about that?

A: Absolutely! I feel guilty sometimes when I’m not writing. I have so much I want to write that I feel I should be doing it constantly. Well, if anyone else has that notion, dump it now. You need to recharge your batteries by watching TV, going to the movies, reading a good book—or three. You need down time. Give yourself some time off once in a while.

Q: Are there any resources, books, workshops or sites about craft that you’ve found helpful during your writing career?

A: There are so many blogs, newsletters, and websites that you may never get to your own writing if you try to keep up. Frankly, they overwhelm me. When my youngest daughter was nine, she gave me a book called “The Writer’s Little Helper” by James V Smith, Jr. It has great exercises to help improve your writing, and it gives you things to think about.

Q:  Is there anything else you’d like to share with my readers about the craft of writing?

A: You have to do it because you enjoy it, not because you have to. I would think the pressure of having to write to make a living would be tough. I like being ABLE to write, and the money is an added bonus.

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CCMalandrinos Author PhotoCheryl C. Malandrinos has been a writer since the age of fourteen. She just didn’t do anything about it until after all of her kids were born. She is the author of the Christmas picture books Little Shepherd and A Christmas Kindness. She is also an editor, ghostwriter, blogger, and book reviewer. Cheryl lives in Western Massachusetts with her husband, two daughters, and three rescue cats. She also has a son who is married. She’s here today to chat about Little Shepherd, right on time for the holiday season. Let’s give her a warm welcome!

Welcome, Cheryl! Tell us about Little Shepherd. 

Little Shepherd is the story of a young shepherd boy in the hills outside of Bethlehem on the night of Christ’s birth. After the angels appear, Obed must decide if he will leave his flock to visit the newborn King. 

What was your inspiration for it? 

When our oldest daughter was still in a crib, I would sing “The Little Drummer Boy” to her as a lullaby. The vision of a young shepherd would come to me very time I sang it, so I decided to put pen to paper and see what came of it. Originally, the story had a very different form and was for an entirely different audience. It wasn’t until I spoke our pastor about the story that the idea was turned into a children’s book.

Little ShepherdDid you have any struggles or difficulties when you started writing? 

Most of my struggles surround the lack of support from my spouse. I am proud of my work, but he sees it more like a hobby—something I can do when all the important stuff is done. He actually compares writing to figure skating, saying there are a lot of good figure skaters out there, but only a few get medals. My odds of being published by a big name or securing an agent aren’t very good in his eyes.

Do you plot in advance or do you write by the seat of your pants? 

I like flying by the seat of my pants. It’s strange since I am so Type-A about everything else. I actually loved outlining in school. I usually sit down to write a story with some basic idea of the beginning and the end, but the final draft is often vastly different than expected. 

What was your publishing process like? Did you go the traditional way or did you self-publish? Are you happy with your decision? 

I opted for a small independent publisher both times. There’s a bit more control over things that way. Self-publishing is something I know a bit about, but not enough to make it viable for me yet. I would also rather try it out on a book that doesn’t have too many illustrations first to see how it goes. 

How do you define success? 

If I am happy with my writing, I call that success. I don’t need to be Jane Yolen, Shel Silverstein, or Dr. Seuss. I just enjoy creating the stories that come to my mind and seeing where they lead. If I make some money along the way, good for me. 

What do you love most about being a children’s author? 

How wide eyed kids are when they learn I write children’s books. They think I live a glamorous life. They might be sadly disappointed to realize how ordinary my life truly is. At one open house, a classmate of my youngest daughter was walking down the hallway with his mother when we passed them. He pointed at me and said, “That’s Sarah’s mom. She writes children’s books!” I felt very special. 

Do you have a website or blog where readers can find out more about your work? 

My website is http://ccmalandrinos.com/ While I own many blogs, the main ones arehttp://thebookconnectionccm.blogspot.com/ andhttps://childrensandteensbookconnection.wordpress.com/ I also contribute to the Christian Children’s Authors blog twice a month at http://christianchildrensauthors.com/

Where is your book available? 

Guardian Angel Publishing, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Indiebound.org.

This interview was originally published in Blogcritics

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Welcome guest blogger, author Caldric Blackwell!

Thank you very much for having me!

Today I want to write about access to children’s books. We live in an age where most people understand the importance of reading in a child’s development. It seems like everyone, from schools to publishers to parents, acknowledges the importance of reading.

For some children, accessing a book that interests them is as simple as going with their parents to the bookstore. Unfortunately, for other children, there are barriers that prevent them from accessing books that interest them.

Some people may think that donating books to libraries is the answer to this problem, but many libraries, for a variety of reasons, do not accept donations.

Fortunately, there are better ways to put books in the hands of children than donating to libraries. There are organizations, such as Sheltering Books, Inc., that specialize in getting books to children who wouldn’t otherwise have access to them.

Even larger organizations are becoming more aware of the barriers that prevent some children from accessing books. For instance, from Nov. 29 – Dec. 25, Penguin Random House ran a campaign in which they donated a book to Save the Children every time the hashtag #GiveaBook appeared on Twitter or Facebook.

If you’re interested in improving access to books for children who need them, contact your local library, and they’ll likely be able to put you in touch with an organization that accepts money or book donations.



 The Boy Who Couldn't Cry Wolf coverSix-year-old Byron Woodward is a werewolf who can’t howl. Determined not to embarrass himself after being chosen to lead a full-moon ceremony, he embarks on a mission to learn how to howl. He learns a lot about howling during his journey, but more importantly, he learns a valuable lesson about believing in himself.






 Purchase The Boy Who Couldn’t Cry Wolf

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Caldric’s Website /  Twitter Goodreads / Facebook caldric

Caldric Blackwell realized he loved reading when he read about a bunch of people (with single-syllable names) and their pets (also with single-syllable names) in kindergarten.

Exposure to a host of great authors while studying at the University of California, Santa Barbara inspired him to begin writing fiction. Although he began writing short stories for adults, he eventually migrated to writing children’s books. His debut work is an early chapter book titled The Enchanted River Race. His next release is a picture book, The Boy Who Couldn’t Cry Wolf.

Outside of writing, Caldric enjoys hiking, gardening, and playing a variety of string instruments. Caldric currently resides in California.


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Hosted by Worldwind Virtual Book Tours

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Banana Bunch 2Title:
The Banana Bunch
Author: Dawn Carroll
Publisher: Amolibros
Pages: 120
Genre: Children’s Book
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Purchase at AMAZON

The monkeys have a human friend called Sheila.

Sheila is in hospital – and she hates the hospital food.

The monkeys decide that something simply has to be done…

When their first attempt at delivering bananas to Sheila is thwarted the monkeys decide to form The Banana Bunch, a secret society dedicated to the delivery of delicious, health-giving bananas to Sheila and all the other unwell people at the hospital. Banana delivery proves, however, a little trickier than they had expected…


Dawn Carroll was born in London, to a family who loved to read – and who also moved house with great regularity. One of the first tasks on arrival at each new home would be to find the nearest lending library, with the result that Dawn grew up with a great love of books. Encouraged by family and teachers, Dawn also started to write short stories.

In adulthood, Dawn’s busy life as a hospital doctor left little time for leisure writing. Indeed, The Banana Bunch stories would probably never have been written had Dawn not, one fateful day, discovered that falling from even a very small tightrope can have devastating consequences… but that’s another story!

Unable to return to her chosen profession, things seemed very black for a while. And then The Banana Bunch monkeys bounced into Dawn’s world….

Since then the monkeys (and Dawn) have been having a great time – telling the stories of their adventures in print and online, and also travelling far and wide to source new story ideas and to meet new friends. Find out more about Dawn and the Banana Bunch at www.thebananabunchbook.com


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Helping Children Fight Fear Since May 2014!

Be Sure to Check out the Fearless Giveaway Below! Enter just by commenting!
(see details below this post)

Bitterly and The Giant Problem

This is going to be the best year ever for best friends Bitterly, Abyssma and Belladonna as they are starting a new school year at Fright School! As young frights they’ll learn how to chase aware the fears of little human girls by entering their dreams and teaching them how to overcome nightmares. 

But when Bitterly, the most promising fright, is faced with a school bully and some nightmares of her own, she finds help from the last place she expected-the little girl whom she has sworn to protect. Pinkaboos is an empowering new chapter book series for girls and young readers (6-9) that presents the challenges of childhood through the thrilling and magical world of the Pinkaboos. 

Praise for the Pinkaboos chapter books from the author of Monster High: “Facing fears has never been so much fun. The Pinkaboos are ah-dorable!” -Lisi Harrison, author of The Clique, Alphas, Monster High, Pretenders.

(Chapter book for ages 6-9)



Laura Gosselin – After receiving her undergraduate degree in English from Cal State University Long Beach in California, Laura Gosselin completed her MFA at Stony Brook Southampton. She has since served as a reporter for a local newspaper in New York, an editor for a national magazine in Vancouver, Canada, as well as senior copywriter for a marketing firm. She currently lives in southern California with her husband and daughter where she works as a creative consultant for Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts.
Jake Gosselin completed his undergraduate degree in Anthropology at the University of Toronto before heading to New York where he finished his MFA in English and Writing at Stony Brook/Southampton College of Long Island University. He currently lives in Southern California where he works as an author, freelance writer and website producer for FourSeasons.com.
Connect with The Pinkaboos Team at their:




One lucky reader will win a Kindle along with a Kindle copy of The Pinkaboos!
For a chance to win the Kindle,  share your best anecdote on how your child overcame fear!
-We don’t need a novel, just simply share how your little hero conquered their biggest fear or helped someone else conquer fear..-
In addition to the Kindle, each blog on tour will be giving away 5 copies of The Pinkaboos: Bitterly and the Giant Problem just for leaving a general comment below!

And don’t forget to leave a way for us to contact you if you win!

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AnitaPlease welcome debut children’s author Anita Banks. Anita harbored her secret of writing since she was in junior high school where the desire took seed in a creative writing class. She enjoys journaling, reading, running and traveling, but nothing compares to playing with her grandchildren. She’s here today to talk about her new picture book, Tanner Builds a Block Tower.




Q: Congratulations on the release of your book, Tanner Builds a Block Tower. What was your inspiration for it?

A:  Thank you. The inspiration for this book, was my grandson, Tanner. On a visit when he was about three years old, he loved to play with his building blocks and build towers, over and over. He was fascinated with this repetitive play. We also went on numerous walks, he loved to explore the outdoors, and still does. So it seemed a natural fit to combine the two activities.

Q: When did your passion for children’s books begin? Did you have a favorite book when you were a child?

A: I have loved reading since my introduction to Dick and Jane and Dr. Seuss. I am constantly reading something all the time. When I was in junior high school, I had a creative writing class, that is when the writing bug stung me. But when family and life took over, I put the dream aside and just occasionally thought of it.

Q: Did you take any workshops or courses before you started writing?

A:  Yes, I am a workshop junkie. One of my favorites was Walking on a Rainbow, a Fiction Picture Book Workshop with Mayra Calvani. I have completed a number of online workshops and also completed the Institute of Children’s Literature course.

Q: How was your creative process like during the writing of this book and how long did it take you to complete it? Did you face any difficulties along the way?

A: This book was created in the Walking on a Rainbow workshop a couple of year ago. I loved the interaction and instruction that was had. The feedback from Mayra and the other participants was fuel that I needed to pursue my dream.

Anita 2Q: What do you find most challenging about writing for children?

A: I have a number of challenges, I sometimes over think my idea before I start writing, when I should just get the words on the page then edit. I struggle with writing too much and having to cut down to the small number of words that is required for picture books. Some day’s it my own self-doubt of my ability and that I shouldn’t try at all.

Q: What is your writing schedule like and how do you balance it with your other work and family time?

A: I’m sorry to say that I don’t have a writing schedule. My “day” job is nine hours each day on a computer, so some days I just can’t make myself look at a computer when I get home. I mostly try to write on my breaks and the weekends. My family time is limited to visits, since my three children are grown and gone, but I’m blessed with grandchildren.

Q: Tell us about your publisher and how you found it.

A: I entered a pitch contest at Savvy Authors, and the editor of Wee Creek Press, Melanie Billings, asked to see the manuscript after she read the pitch, then she contacted me to make the offer.

Q: What was it like working with an illustrator and how much control did you have over the artwork?

A: Wee Creek Press selected the illustrator, Molly Courtright. I didn’t have any contact with her. until it was completed.

Q: How do you define success?

A: Success for me is enjoying another day. Living the best person that I can be each day. But career success would be to be able to give up the day job and be an at home full time writer.

Q: Do you think that becoming an author entails sacrifices?

A:  I don’t know that I have made any sacrifices, you live with the choices that you make. I have chosen to write, so I have to learn to accommodate my life with that choice. I haven’t achieve the full dream yet.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring children’s writers? Do you know of any helpful resources you’d like to share?

A: Read children’s books, first for the enjoyment. Then a second time for the craft. Study books that you truly like. Take classes and join groups. I am in several Facebook children’s writers groups. They are informative and you can learn from others that are in the field.

Q:  What’s on the horizon for you?

A: I’m working on a chapter book, and I have a couple of picture books that I am shopping out.

Thank you so much for your time.

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Little Bear offers Mama Bear various items to make her feel better, but she’s too busy to notice—until he gives her his super, so good, so very special dolly. Silly humor, alliteration, repetition, and onomatopoeia make this a fun read-aloud story. A celebration of the special love shared between mother and child. For ages 3-7.
ONLY $.99 on Kindle TODAY ONLY


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Title: A Christmas Kindness
Genre: First chapter reader
Author: Cheryl Malandrinos
Publisher: 4RV Publishing
Pages: 24
Language: English
ISBN – 978-0985266141

Eight-year-old Robert is eager to share his wish list with Santa at the mall on Christmas Eve. When he meets Glenn, who has only one request for Santa, Robert is confused over what he should do. Can he cast aside what he wants and ask Santa to bring his new friend a special gift?

Inside the mall, Christmas music and the tinkling of jingle bells tickled Robert’s ears. With his mother, Robert weaved through the crowd of shoppers. He smelled fried food from Burger Mart. The sweet scent of warm chocolate chip cookies from the bakery made his mouth water.

Watch the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvW-tUyxDq8

Purchase your copy:

C.C Gevry is a children’s author from Western Massachusetts. A Christmas Kindness is her first book with 4RV Publishing. She is also a member of the SCBWI. Ms. Gevry is married with two young children and a son who is married. Visit her online at http://ccgevry.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Christmas Kindness Book Blast Schedule
December 4
Book review at IE Mommy
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at Blooming with Books
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at 4 the Love of Books
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at My Devotional Thoughts
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at Lynn’s Corner
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at Mayra’s Secret Bookcase
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at The Story of a Writer
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at Rose and Beps Blog
Book Blast w/ Giveaway at Naturally Kim

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