
Posts Tagged ‘caldric blackwell’


Welcome guest blogger, author Caldric Blackwell!

Thank you very much for having me!

Today I want to write about access to children’s books. We live in an age where most people understand the importance of reading in a child’s development. It seems like everyone, from schools to publishers to parents, acknowledges the importance of reading.

For some children, accessing a book that interests them is as simple as going with their parents to the bookstore. Unfortunately, for other children, there are barriers that prevent them from accessing books that interest them.

Some people may think that donating books to libraries is the answer to this problem, but many libraries, for a variety of reasons, do not accept donations.

Fortunately, there are better ways to put books in the hands of children than donating to libraries. There are organizations, such as Sheltering Books, Inc., that specialize in getting books to children who wouldn’t otherwise have access to them.

Even larger organizations are becoming more aware of the barriers that prevent some children from accessing books. For instance, from Nov. 29 – Dec. 25, Penguin Random House ran a campaign in which they donated a book to Save the Children every time the hashtag #GiveaBook appeared on Twitter or Facebook.

If you’re interested in improving access to books for children who need them, contact your local library, and they’ll likely be able to put you in touch with an organization that accepts money or book donations.



 The Boy Who Couldn't Cry Wolf coverSix-year-old Byron Woodward is a werewolf who can’t howl. Determined not to embarrass himself after being chosen to lead a full-moon ceremony, he embarks on a mission to learn how to howl. He learns a lot about howling during his journey, but more importantly, he learns a valuable lesson about believing in himself.






 Purchase The Boy Who Couldn’t Cry Wolf

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Caldric’s Website /  Twitter Goodreads / Facebook caldric

Caldric Blackwell realized he loved reading when he read about a bunch of people (with single-syllable names) and their pets (also with single-syllable names) in kindergarten.

Exposure to a host of great authors while studying at the University of California, Santa Barbara inspired him to begin writing fiction. Although he began writing short stories for adults, he eventually migrated to writing children’s books. His debut work is an early chapter book titled The Enchanted River Race. His next release is a picture book, The Boy Who Couldn’t Cry Wolf.

Outside of writing, Caldric enjoys hiking, gardening, and playing a variety of string instruments. Caldric currently resides in California.


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